I am having a really hard time transitioning back into the school year. I am really exhausted and the kids schedules are so out of whack. So I don't have many new pictures to post. But I have do have cool news. On Saturday, a reporter from our local newspaper came and did a story on our adoption journeys. The focus was more on adoption in general and not so much on Haven's particulars. And on Wednesday of this week our local FOX affiliate is sending a new crew to tape a story for FOX News. HOLY COW!!! FOX News!!! Hope we can keep the house clean between now and then.
One more thing--Brian and I put together this video as a sort of public service announcement for Our Family Adoptions. It is posted on YouTube, but if any of you who are OFA families out there would like to link it to your blogs, that would be awesome. Here is the YouTube link. I will also post it to my side bar. Ok maybe not tonight, I am practically drooling on my keyboard right now. How embarassing, it is only 8:45!
OFA Public Service Announcement
And just in case you missed it the first time--the United Methodist Church video on Haven's adoption.
As soon as we have more info about the newspaper and FOX news stories I will post those, too! Have a great day!