I know it won't last forever, and it won't be all the time, but my two sweet babies are the best of friends. They play and laugh and wrestle and dance all day long. On Saturday morning, Grace could hear Haven calling out from his crib. She called back to him "Haven, I'm coming, I love you". How sweet is that!!! She has started to come with me to his bedroom every night to put him to bed so she can pat him on the head and say "night night". Now we still have our share of sibling mean. Grace will make little sneak attacks on Haven if she is in a mood. And Haven knows that if he screams loud enough (and you just wouldn't believe the noise that can come out of those little lungs) he can make Grace cry, which he seems to take pleasure in. But on a whole these two are having a great time together! All weekend long Haven has been signing "happy". We certainly are! What a couple of Sweet Valentines.