Don't worry, she only got about 4 houses down the street. And she didn't sneak out, she announced her leaving loudly to the whole neighborhood. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until she was at least 8 or 9?
I'm not exactly sure what lead to the event. Most of the afternoon she had been in a terrible mood. Maybe because it was Monday. She has a hard time with me going back to school sometimes. She and Haven were gonna "pack their bags" and leave to live with their "new family". I guess if you're adopted the idea of a new and improved family just over the horizon is not such an unusual thought. But I think they must have seen something in a movie or TV show that turned it into a formal plan.
After a few houses she fell to the ground in a big puddle of her own tears. I walked down to her and asked if I could pick her up and carry her home. She nodded her head and let me scoop her up. I asked her why she stopped where she did and between her gasping sobs, she said she got scared. I asked her if she was ever going to run away again and she said no.
I hope she's right.
So have any of your kids run away? What was your solution? I know, avoid sight word lessons and never leave the garage door open after dark. But really, how seriously do I take this moment of distress? Is it just a little kid rite of passage or a sign of things to come? How do I keep my sweet sweet angel smiling a little more often? Am I worrying too much because she's my firstborn?
And can you really ever stop worrying about your kids?