Sunday, August 21, 2011


Tomorrow is my first day of school (we survived Grace's first week with flying colors) and this time of year is always an important new beginning for teachers.  It sort of carries over into my whole world.  So since its a new school year it felt like time for a new look for my blog.  A big facelift! I could probably use one too but I'll have to just live with my actual face. 

I'll be making lots of changes over the next few weeks, adding new features, changing some of the formats.  Please feel free to give me some feedback.  I always ask for my hubbies opinion but he gets tired of getting up and coming to the computer to see what new font I've chosen or how I've made the color a shade darker.  He's patient to a point and then starts to say "that looks fine, dear" no matter how it looks.

Be sure to come back tomorrow.  For Mugshot Monday I'll be posting some more of those amazing pictures taken by Maureen Light.  This is the set she did for us with everyone dressed in our traditional Congolese clothing.  They kids pics look adorable.

Thanks for tuning.  See you tomorrow.
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