Friday, September 21, 2012

A Little Birthday Miracle


Yesterday was Brian's 49th birthday (doesn't he look pretty good) so to celebrate he wanted to go out to dinner. We toyed with the idea of finding a sitter, but finding a sitter that is up to the task of sitting for all 6 kids is not easy. And I think Brian was feeling a little sentimental so he decided he wanted to spend the evening with all of his family together (like we never do that). Now taking all 6 kids to dinner could be a lovely thing or it could be a trip to RESTAURANT HELL. But undaunted we headed out to Brian's favorite Mexican restaurant, Chuy's.

And you wanna know what happened next:

Was it this???

Or this???

Or maybe this???
Grace didn't complain about the food.
Haven didn't have to leave the table to go pee in the middle of the meal.
Manny and JoJo didn't throw their dishes on the floor when they finished eating.
Katriel didn't spit up after gagging herself with a tortilla chip.
Louise didn't wipe refried beans on my shoulder.

The waiter brought our food and drinks promptly and he even brought EXTRA napkins.

No one cried, no drinks were spilled, no one gave us ugly looks. 

It was a little birthday miracle.  Hallelujah!!!!!!

In was an amazing evening free of disaster.  In fact, my kids were downright spectacular.  JoJo charmed the drunk people at the table to my left with his high fives and knuckle bumps.  Louise gave me kisses every few minutes.  The black family sitting behind me smiled at my cute kids and did not comment on the fact that we had clearly forgotten to comb out Kat's hair before we left the house.  People opened doors for us instead of just staring at us dumbly.

We were feeling so good about this meal that we decided to take our chances at Menchies for frozen yogurt.  Again, we lucked out!  The place was almost deserted so even though my kids were starting to get much much louder as the evening progressed, there was no one there to scowl at us about it.  All and all it was an evening to write home about.  So I just did. 

Happy Birthday, my sweet Brian.  Hope you had a wonderful night. I am pretty sure we will never get this lucky again!

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