Today we slogged the whole clan to the doctor. JoJo and Manny had their one year well baby visits, while Grace, Haven and I had our flu shots. Brian was there for moral support (and to hold down screaming children).
Things are OK when we are in the lobby. There are toys and books and it is a generally less breakable room. But then they squeeze all 6 of us into the examining room. And all hell breaks loose.
There are mini-blinds on the windows that JoJo is determined to tear down. No childproof locks on the cupboards that Manny wants to inspect. And the ever popular spinning doctors stool that Grace and Haven are fighting to the death to ride on first.
I take my medicine first and get a flu shot in my left arm while holding a squirmy JoJo with my right. The nurse keeps saying "Relax your arm, I can't get the needle in" but I am unable to relax one are but still grip JoJo with the other, so she just pushes that needle harder. Grace immediately goes into hysterics knowing that her turn is next. She is struggling so hard that Brian (who is holding her down) gets stabbed with her needle as the nurse is taking it out. As always, Haven does everything that Grace does so he screams like someone is removing his arm, not just giving it a shot.
Then I take the Bigs and Manny to the lobby so the babies can have their individual exams and get their FIVE shots. Those poor little legs are gonna be aching tomorrow!
So this must have been the busiest day our doctor has ever had and my pack of puppies just turned that lobby into a carnival side show. Every seat was taken and I was sitting on the floor with my kids. Then a set of 2 year old
Probably the strangest thing about the visit was the comment a woman made to me as she was leaving the office. "Are all these kids yours?" she asked (and only 3 of them were with me at that moment). I said yes they are all mine and she said "Your elevator must not go all the way to the top!" and then she walked out the door. Well, can you beat that!
Adoption--only for the mentally ill.
From a health point of view it was a pretty good visit. JoJo, our tiny little potato, is in about the 30th percentile in all areas. But King Kong Manny is in the 97th percentile for height, 90th for weight, and 95th for head size. We knew he was heavy, now we know just how heavy!
Everyone seems to be doing pretty well considering all the pin pricks. The boys are throwing laundry, the Bigs are watching Veggie Tales. In 30 minutes it will be time for bed. Whooo, thank goodness we only have to do this once a year!
P.S. I know that some of you are waiting for some more news on our next adoption. We've had some strange things come up, but we should be able to share a little bit more about it in the next few days. Just please keep on praying. God is working some big plans and we are just along for the ride!